Luffy Punches Celestial Dragon (Will of the D) [HD] - All The Pop

Monday, March 11, 2019

Luffy Punches Celestial Dragon (Will of the D) [HD]

  1. Ramenfresser: idk why but I liked the animation of One piece back then more than nowadays
  2. WIZard05555: Luffy *deletes* celestial dragon
  3. Durell Patterson: I like how there's a possibility that a marine ship and an admiral are on the way and none of his crew is the worried about it at all. They're all like, "Yea, that's luffy... " and Zoros mad he didn't get to cut the dude up... 😂
  4. M_an Fam: Who cares if he gets in trouble. He already has a bounty over 100 million which he is in big trouble with the Navy and his grandfather Garp already knows and is mad at him too, so who cares.
  5. pokemonmaster09137 and awesomecool884: ah so satisfying
  6. Kristian Basile: What I sometimes don't like about one piece is that even ordinary humans like this Celestial Dragon get hit by an overpowered being like luffy and survive. Like, no way someone ordinary would survive a hit like that. It's about being consistent. Ordinary humans are ordinary and should die when hit by someone who can punch through a building without breaking a sweat.
  7. Mark Perez: Ohhh, that celestial dragon deserved every once of that punch
  8. Geraldine Rizaba: That's me, when my friend get bullied by my classmates before and I ended up in principal office 😂
  9. NED STARK: i dont know tyrion backhanded joffry that was kinda epic
  10. white g: Luffy will change the world.
  11. Wanderingsage7: and no one on his crew were even that surprised.
  12. TheJaredPunch: This feels 😊 Subrashi 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
  13. KlausDGerman: Why cut so much out? Really ruining the build up
  14. Lekok: D are the enemies of God they say. Weird enough luffy always takes the god complex out of those who think they are above everyone.
  15. Old Monk Oogway: All thanks to jewellery Bonnie. Otherwise Luffy couldn't punch him.
  16. Akhil Madhunlall: So angry that he just hit him. No abilities just raw rage fueled power.
  17. Fade2Darkess95: No fucks given!!! That’s how luffy rolls
  18. Kiifaa: "I missed my chance to cut him down because you beat him up first". Roronoa Zoro is such a badass 😵
  19. Ehawee: It looks like it's starting to turn out that way. If you've finished with the Dressrosa arc, it seems a few of the characters are making that sort of speculation.
  20. Fallen Monk: True
  21. awesome GAMMMMMERRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: תומר רוזן hesconnected
  22. 3Rayfire: Knocked that Tenryubito shit stain to the cheap seats.
  23. NatsU DragNeeL: You didn't know??? Oh come on, he just skip to one punch man episode just now XD
  24. Jared Hamilton: Wouldn’t it be funny if it turns out the legendary Will of D. was somehow related to those abominations known as the celestial dragons.
  25. Senshi: i've always wondered... how does luffy crack his knuckles? he is made of rubber...
  26. Kang the Karot: 0:37 Bubble: Fuck this shit I'm out.
  27. Niskara: You know, even if Luffy didn't dodge, I don't think the bullets would've affected him. And personally, I'd find that more terrifying
  28. Emillio Cruz: Of course the mad ones punch the same natsu punched jallal and said shut up
  29. Ian Murphy: Never mind. Video answered that question.
  30. Rosario Manorang Manik: at that time they didn't know Kuma was there to save them.
  31. Shark Zharki: Celestial dragon the one who made luffy piss since he was kid He want to get revenge of sabo
  32. oceanwavedvd: Dr.10inches he would be proud of that punch
  33. Henry Jacobs: Hachi role in onepiece is just to be injured all the time
  34. Reynard Nathaniel: damn bro, he should punch him with gomu gomu gatling for 5 minutes or at least use gear 3rd
  35. cottencandy5yrs: I wish he died
  36. Drizz Nation: One of the best moment s in one piece history right here 😂😂😂
  37. - Kaido: Will of D?! What the fuck that phrase connect in the video?!
  38. Efren Arevalo: That guy was lucky. He was almost cut, kicked, Rocket-punched and electrocuted by the entire crew. Good thing Luffy stepped in.
  39. ゾンビマン: ちゃんとシャンクスの意思を受け継いでるのが好き
  40. Lashlie O23: Its Nerf from Manga turn to Anime that Punch Anime Turn to Manga
  41. Peter Senior: Chills
  42. u failed the test !: Lmao even luffy got away from those high ugly bitces
  43. Vanny Math: I can't spell good.
  44. Rosan pun: true
  45. Terrell Raye: He punched him through the scenes of Manga!!! Jesus, how powerful is this guy to do such things?!?!
  46. Thomas Jensen: How diden't he die?
  47. Daniella Mae Dela Isla: 1:58
  48. Daniel Kim: By far the most satisfying punch in all of anime
  49. Evan: I am a slightly violent person and I wanted Luffy to finish the job. I hope at the end of the series the position of world noble is removed and they all end up unable to hold a job and become homeless. They then proceed to live out the rest of their miserable lives poor, despised by their peers and obsessing over the life they once had.
  50. xsailor85: And that’s the second time Luffy declared war against the World Goverment.
  51. jdjdjdd djdjdjdj: Charlos == eew eew guy
  52. Hafeez D. Husnin: He didn't just punch the Celestial Dragon. He sent his ass to the manga and back.
  53. Cold: This scene is the best
  54. JP Bodollo: Good for him, but you know what, they call themeselves Gods or Celestial Dragons with pride but they cant even take a hit. If theyre a god, they should have Godly powers not with just a title
  55. SilverLaw_: Got enough tags there buddy
  56. Jacques Lapierre: it the same music they use for every epic moment just look it up
  57. Hammad S: Best part is that Vice Captain Zorro was going to beat him up too XD It's not just Luffy who's crazy XD
  58. Jacob G: And Kid was like. "My kind of pirate"
  59. DarkPegasus87: +Yau Feng: I think Law could one-up Luffy using his Devil Fruit. He can switch the position of two objects within his "Room." So, I would love for him to use Shambles to place an active slave collar around a CDs neck, hand them the keys to it, and give them a choice between their life and their pride of not breathing the same air as a peasant right before setting the collar off. In his position with his power, I would do just that with the shit-eating grin he used when he blackmailed Doflamingo.
  60. May Nunez: RinX no, it was the other celestial dragon Mjosgard
  61. Ian Murphy: Sorry, really new to the series. Why is punching a celestial dragon bad?
  62. Shiro Tagashi: Favorite moment
  63. Tae Licious: Most satisfying One Piece scene of all time.
  64. reychop_EXE: Kuririnite usopp betrayed luffy for a decaying ship. Hardly a vice captain material.
  65. Mukhlis Choyy: Episode?
  66. Whammy Cheng: Felt Luffy should have gotten a 1 billion beri bounty for that punch.
  67. Chapéu Studio: What ep?
  68. TheShinblast: Charloss D. Urability
  69. Sam Flynn: 2:05 "Finally, someone as crazy as I am."
  70. Justin Counts: Omg thank you for showing the full punch scene thank you no other person uploads the full punch scene
  71. X Kings: anyone else wanted luffy to third gear gatling gun him😂
  72. Albagir Qeimeteriion: Well thay are tenryubito you one can touch em...they like superior being..soooo
  73. Aight Den: Jawed his dumbass
  74. 2010supersonic: so that the celestial dragons don't have to breath the same air as the commoners they got a huge god complex
  75. JeffDaArchangel: Does anyone think the yonko care about the importance of the celestial dragons?
  76. Adan Awan: Zoro had his hand on his katana, if Luffy dint punch him, he'd definitely cut that bastard. It was the second time he saw him hurting people.
  77. Champsr0ck2247: Kuririnite Luffy doesn't care about logistics. He just wanted a musician.
  78. Michael Jarrett: bleach tried with its whole byakuya scene but they got nothing on this
  79. quang anh nguyen tien: Should have punched him in gear second, but this is fine too.
  80. Per Jensen: Imagine if he used haki lol
  81. Cyrus Erwin Rivera: what episode is this??
  82. Rikshan Selvarji: Why is the celestial dragon so weak?? how does these people rule the world
  83. En Teng: I wish luffy have a Haki when he punch that shit
  84. Just Some Guy With A Ultra Instinct Mustache: 1:37 They were like “He deserved it anyways”
  85. Ian Nielsen: Love the full scene but why edit Luffy's chad bullet dodge.
  86. igme bradley: Someone will punch you, he will escape all of the big force and end up being the pirate king
  87. AshedSoul: Will of the D ;)
  88. Faiz Joe: Episode??
  89. Captain Twice: Maybe they're self absorbed astronauts
  90. Mr Presence: Charloss is a jerk he wanted to kidnap shirahoshi
  91. Darkshroud: Body of rubber, balls of steel
  92. Ahsan Imran: Wow sub voice is disgusting, all the character's voices dont match up; i pefer dub, the voices are more realistic to each and every member of luffy's crew. Like if you agree ;)
  93. Aradin Remeor: Best thing about this is that this asshole got lucky...Zoro would have straight up killed his ugly ass
  94. superchibiwings: Thats it. luffy's not there yet but difinitely he will be the pirate king. the other pirates are just playing their role on Straw Hats' journey.
  95. BirdToriyama: This was the man who, by then, challenged the strongest secret government organization, raided their HQ, and declared war on the government, all for the sake of a friend, who had tried to abandon them no less. If they weren't so stupid and actually read a newspaper for once, they would realize they got off easy.
  96. Nathan Reeder: How hard do u think he hit him
  97. Vanny Math: Zorp should have just sliced him in half when he was on the street, I feel some what satisfied when someone does something awful and gets hurt really badly, this is also know as Karma and that bitch deserves it.
  98. Richard Nichols: Sent his ass through the manga, over the bleachers, right to destination fucked
  99. Rose Santana: Spoilers* This moment means so much more when you also think of the fact that at this point in the story, Luffy still believes a celestial dragon killed Sabo all those years ago. So he was probably predisposed to think the guy was a piece of shit even before he shot Hachi.
  100. Ahmad Nur Amin: Yeaaa and when he punch blackbeard too... xD
  101. Steven Barry: Most Epic Punch Ever
  102. 薔薇黒: 2:18のゾロが好きすぎる
  103. Exotic Nugget: No it fits cause luffy gets all the bitches with the will of the D.
  104. ぺぷしぺし/Pepushipeshi: この場面めっっっっっっっっちゃくちゃスッキリするわ
  105. Biyonzo: Where were the bodyguards... just wondering
  106. Bharath Ram: Nico Robin and also usopp .
  107. Jimmy Cen: It makes me more mad that Celestial Dragon now rides on Kuma... 😭 😭
  108. Naaah Fam: BayBong 93 ironically many still hate Tate's animation
  109. Briel 000: There's more power to that animation even with out it becoming black and white compared to what we get now
  110. All In One: Good choice brother
  111. Girintina: His dad would be so proud of him
  112. Cherni Mohamed: What you have to do before watching this: - get a nice cold drink - get your favourite food And Enjoy
  113. DoMo CaN: That weird moment when you realize that the 11 supernovas probably all think that Luffy is the craziest one in the group
  114. Davidson Excellent: The look on these people face was priceless 😂
  115. Rasmus Petersen: What a punch lol. Few Animes gives us a punch like that
  116. UltimateChoji An: This was so satisfying
  117. Calvin - Freerun: 2nd time ruined for Zoro to cut him...
  118. Jake England: That’s how it’s done
  119. Kan Dinada: So true
  120. Drfrog JZ: Luffy don't give SHIT
  122. Zenoniac: “Will of the D” That title is kinda wrong
  123. We need a second holocaust for weebs.: The moment luffy did this, he sent himself to downward spiral to save his brother. Still worth it.
  124. Panda Catalan: one of my favorite scene in onepiece
  125. Martin Vee: You got knock the FUUCCCKKK OOUUUTTT
  126. Jerson Dela Cruz: 2:08 that look when you ate your friends food in fridge and he is blaming other 😂
  127. N N: It would be good, if he died.
  128. Daniella Mae Dela Isla: I bet if you punched all the celestial dragon you'll get a bounty over a million.
  129. Naipy Palwa: Thug life💪
  130. joshua brat: Saitama is proud of that punch.
  131. Foxy Brown: Luffy punch him so hard it destroyed color other than black and white
  132. Developer Abz: Dude.... its 'the will of D' not 'will of the D' that just sounds so wrong
  133. OppaiDaisuki: Omg she is super pissed so much because his friend make him a takoyaki food that’s why Lucy punch a celestial dragon Savage Moment Get rekt
  134. Michael Msimanga: Well that was a nice add at the end, that soundtrack always hits bottom with me
  135. Wolfram-Konstantijn Maas: The worst part of that punch, though it may be one of the most satisfying punches ever, is the fact that that S**Thead of a 'Celestial Dragon' survived as can be read in Manga chapter 906+907, but something satisfying happens to him as well in chapter 907, although not as satisfying as this punch. Luffy's punch is so just!
  136. Drfrog JZ: A*
  137. Lord DarknessCs: Take thatbitch
  138. Raven 92: "the will of the D" ... shut up perverted mind of mine
  139. Charles Kevin Calipes: One of the most satisfying punches in anime.
  140. セブンスヘブン: このシーン本当にストレス発散してくれる!
  141. 3atte L: よく考えてみたらルフィやばいことしてるやん((;°Д°;))カタカタ
  142. K룬: 0:37 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
  143. FBK yoshi: This was the best scene in the entire series
  144. Lawreading Green: だよなか?
  145. red saintgaming: Sorry that’s one promise I can’t keep after what that sack of shit did
  146. DarkPegasus87: I have a very violent imagination. I want to see Law one-up Luffy using his Devil Fruit. He can switch the position of two objects within his "Room." So, I would love for him to use Shambles to place an active slave collar around a CDs neck, hand them the keys to it, and give them a choice between their life and their pride of not breathing the same air as a peasant right before setting the collar off. In his position with his power, I would do just that with the shit-eating grin he used when he blackmailed Doflamingo.
  147. Hadi Firmansyah: Damnnnn that punch feelsogooooooddmmaaannnnn !!!
  148. foogi: I want this animation to return for luffy vs katakuri
  149. Spade Dex: 1:58 without the scar is that ace or luffy
  150. bryan reyes: It Was At This Moment, Straw Hats Pirates KNEW, THEY WERE F*CKED UP. LMAO
  151. Remmurd_Revo Emag: *Fuck rules* Luffy: **punches celestial guy**
  152. 、スティーブ・ペリー: どうせならギアセカンドで殺す位にしてほしかったのに.......
  153. I am a walking Friend zone: Luffy punched him, but didn’t kill him, which is Luffy showing restraint in consideration for Hachi’s request, but Zoro was straight up about to slice this dude in half.
  154. Cyrus Erwin Rivera: One Piece Highlights thank you so much...
  155. 1234bunda: He get punch in the face often charloss kun hahaha one piece 907
  156. 青ᴍɪɴᴛ: Can someone pls explain why the celestial dragon wears the suit like that?
  157. JaNuub: 1:26 Young man... You just got knocked the fuck out
  158. Nick Xatzis: I think I jizzed my pants an this moment.
  159. FBK yoshi: Uhhhh then the navy would be on their tails drastically more, their crew would be targeted by high-up marines like the admirals everyday. That would make Luffy's bounty go up quite a bit too
  160. Monkey D Luffy: That dragon got his ass punched back to manga and beyond 😂😂😂
  161. mendaix: Kristian Basile ~ It's because death is supposed to be rare and memorable in One Piece.
  162. slade900: laws face was yep that is the guy crazy enough to help me with Doflamingo lol
  163. Princezz_Ael {-.-}: Well done, Luffy.
  164. comora010304: Luffy: Sorry Captain Falcon, gotta borrow one of your techniques. Falcon Punch!!!!!
  165. Luka AMICO-LAVOISIER: Wait a minute... how can luffy crack his knuckles when he is made out of rubber
  166. Abdou Jnyah: Guys chill no one will get hurt if an anime caracter got tortured or was burn alive XD
  167. that one stormtrooper: Was that a rasta starfish?
  168. Jacky vinsmoke: Mdr girl love mangas😍😍😍
  169. Views from The Lookout: @1:28 “yeah he did that, what y’all tryna do?”
  170. Benjamin Gibbons: He earned a lot of people's respect and admiration with that
  171. TaskZ GOD: Hey what is the meaning of there middle name "D" Dragon??
  172. kempowarrior: To bad Luffy didn't take the celestial with him as slave, make the celestial clean the his boat and treat him like how he treat his slave so he know what it is like to be helpless.
  173. Wanie Mizuno: mattpkc34xx well,to me,I take it as serious matter. I can't brush it off as a joke when my friends were hurt right before me. but well,people had different opinions n ways,n I respect tht. not like I can change the way ur thinking w/just me babbling here. anyway let's just enjoy this video,shall we? ✌✌✌
  174. ImHeadPhone: That Celestial Dragon Deserve That Punch
  175. Ruben Abas: Episode😭?
  176. Bhavnesh Mandalia: Luffy and Zoro only one's to not care about the consequences
  177. arkadatay GT: Kid:is he serious YES HE IS BECAUSE PF HIS ANGRY FACE BRUH
  178. John Watson: Wow
  179. Veleria Windrunner: The D. don't give a F
  180. William Watson: "To infinity and beyond"
  181. Al Bal: The ones who disliked this are probably marine dogs...
  182. Sanji San: Jewlz Cartagena Too bad Usopp and Robin missed it.
  183. Carl Freericks: Rebel Comics Killing trump is easy getting away with it is harder
  184. Kireeti: Top 10 punches in anime....
  185. Al P: When your co-worker starts grinding with the bosses wife
  186. Shamboozler: i have a feeling saint charlos is gonna make a reappearance as a slimmer more cooler celestial dragon as did previous unlikeable characters such as helmeppo or alvida
  187. Mr. Popo: Gum gum fuck out of here 👊
  188. Kan Dinada: What a satisfying punch
  189. Ric Daniel: To add more about this man, he went inside a highly maximum guarded prison and caused a prison break, entered a war full of strong people, stood up against highly graded individuals just to save his brother.This mofo gives no shit about everything when his family or friends is on the line.
  191. Nabil Ali: I think what's also really cool about this scene is when luffy is apologizing to his crew, and zoro said he was gonna cut him for it shows how luffy's values really stick with his crew and his crew knew it was inevitable that the celestial dragon was gonna get fucked up.
  192. Michael Scott: Johnny Sins "Will of the D".
  193. Animeniac77: The one punch that would even K.O. Saitama. By far the best punch in anime history. No single punch will ever be or feel as satisfying as this one.
  194. •† Scarface •†: Luffy punched him so hard he went back to the manga !
  195. Aatrox Main: I wonder what will happen all four Yonko attack the city or holy land of Celestial Dragon?
  196. Anime King: With this asshole being reintroduced into the manga I just had to come back and watch him get beat up.
  197. Manoz Zaidi: While I am not a violent person. But that punch in that episode felt so damn satisfying as hell
  198. Bruno Henrique Azevedo Borges: SA FURY Best AND boring.
  199. Mr. God: More coming in the future
  200. gentleman gaming: This celestial dragon was going to get it soon or later he was lucky with zoro
  201. uomo ago: What's the manga number?
  202. No Copyright Music: We currently don't know the exact meaning, but we do know it's connected to the Ancient Kingdom and D. is the enemy of the Celestial Dragons. Corazon explains it somewhat here:
  203. Tiyuji: agreed. Poor Kuma... I want him to have even the smallest bit of himself left in him and not machined-up but at the same time, I want him to be a brainless robot so he doesnt have to feel those damn people riding on his back like a donkey.
  204. warlock 9015: and beat a god (eneru)
  205. Vanny Math: At that moment he knew, he f*fcked up.
  206. Micar Mateo: Serves him right. He is the reason why sabo seperate with luffy and ace
  207. TaskZ GOD: Okay
  208. Annax: Luffy Punched him back to the manga lol
  209. KB 24: Omg that is the best punch in the histori of anime
  210. Jon Arellano: What episode is this?
  211. Shutdestroyer 411: Nani
  212. BFKC: If One Piece were more realistic, the World Nobles would die like flies, more than anyone else... Even the Admirals would die as a consequence of it, since they would be hunted with determination and planning too (which is something unknown to them, by the way).
  213. brook Boussaken: You forgot something.. He took down a false king and destroyed the whole fucking country. His friend is getting married but he got no invitation so he crashed a Yonko's place fought every single fucker there expect for the actual yonko and got his friend back. Thats our Luffy
  214. ThreeEye DoomHog: Even Zoro want to cut him down
  215. Oliver Mathiasen: I don't know
  216. Andreea B: Everyone is like "Ohh no he didint 😱😨" The most satisfying punch ever
  217. Barry Shelton: That's Luffy's way of saying he doesn't give a fuck who you are
  218. Gamer jk: Albagir Qeimeteriion but luffy did....
  219. a fiery young man: Whenever i feel an urge to punch someone i come back to this place. Now. I can sleep in peace.
  220. Bloody Joker: luffy to hachi: bruh miss me with that gay shit
  221. Yule Mayevsky: Luffy is GOAT
  222. Blackhound Gamer: That punch was gonna hit him so hard the celestial helmet ran away 0:37
  223. Call Me Slim: W
  224. BlackhoodJ: That idiot manage to survive ! Fcking plot armor
  225. 乃木坂工事中: カッケー!さすが!
  226. ObiWant CannotBe: one of the famous luffy one punch. first is bellamy now this mofos. so good the see luffy put him in his rightful place
  227. Fengyi Qian: The difference between teenagers and adults You absolutely can not dare! I will
  228. inellipsale: he still cut out a couple of parts like i’m pretty sure the celestial dragon tried to shoot luffy but he dodged it and nmhmgmgmm
  229. Jiwa Kacau: Episodes?
  230. Carl Freericks: If only I could do that to Donald trump.....
  231. vermilionrubin: I was searching for one with Zoro's reaction.
  232. Luqman sheikh: "I am so strong that I turned anime into manga"
  233. Rodney Lee Jr: Actually The CD should be really thankful, First Bonny saved his life from Zoro earlier. Then Luffy saved his life from Zoro again, according to my main man 100 grand Ronoroa Zoro... I think Zoro will eventually cut him up. 3 saves is pushing it 😂😂😂
  234. Super Vegito: Law and Kid: Yes.
  235. Ahmed Tareg: Episode?
  236. xXRio Xx: お前が一番ムカツクえ
  237. Kal Oni: Yeah he needs to pull gum gum gatling on that bitch
  238. Straddllw: Anyone noticed that the animation got better during this scene compared to the previous scenes?
  239. Charles Kevin Calipes: "He really is crazy."
  240. Nursalizah Mohtar: That Celestial Dragon is so weak, how could they even have commanded power over the marine?
  241. Y0UNG GVTS: Zoro ready to pull out his sword
  242. Oni Banadi: What a punch
  243. Dzonatan Gavert: Donflamingo was pissed everytime he heard of the .D. Also the whole "The .D family is the natural enemy of god" coming from Corazon. Pretty sure the D are connected to the void century and the Great Kingdom
  244. Hououin Kyouma: This bitch is back in the manga smh
  245. awesome GAMMMMMERRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: תומר רוזן hesconnected
  246. Jazz Mazz: Its not as good as this, but its certainly really solid as of this arc. Like, seriously, its the best animated post time-skip arc so far.
  247. Dusklord: in one piece celestial dragon is treated as a god and since d is their natural enemy i'd bet d stand for demon or another type of dragon
  248. Hafizd Maulana: You know you're fcked when you hear those sandals stip stappin'...
  249. What Did I Just See: I AM CUMMING!!!!
  250. john april pedrosa: What episode please😊
  251. Xenoverse 93: Naaah Fam thats true,.. i just hate todays one piece animation., its like no motion anime.. super terrible
  252. Mugiwara: What is thé music pld
  253. 1stplace2nd: The moment when puffy became the pirate king. Now let’s find ONE PIECE.
  254. Banan Kage: Why did he punch him? Does anybody know
  255. zimbus 2: i wished that luffy could have used haki in that time so that punch would have really killed that shit
  256. Janwin Eugenio: That's our vice capt. zorro!
  257. Ginger Ginger: Why did you take out the part were he dodged both of his bullets?
  258. Melvin Dasco: I feel a One punch man theme song needed
  259. Závodszki Ábel: Everybody:Luffy No! Luffy: Luffy YES! Summary of every major OP event.
  260. Monkey D. Luffy: If only hancock would have seen this😂😂
  261. Wanie Mizuno: don't any of u get it? or u guys were OK if someone do shit to u n ur just like "OK I forgive u" ??? the world doesn't work tht way man. yea maybe there's people out there who's OK with forgiving,but those who don't? they exist too. when ur friends were hurt right in front of ur eyes,what're u gonna do? A) turn a blind eye? B) forgive them? C) do as what Luffy do. there's a reason I agree w/Michael here. u just hurt my dearest friend! I'm gonna make u suffer the same pain as my friend did. not until the anger fade,but until u finally realize tht it's not OK to do shit to the other,its not OK degrading someone just because u had the upper hand n until the one tht u hurt in the present n past,forgive u of what u did to them. for Luffy,I don't think he's satisfied. but knowing him,after tht one punch,the next is the injured fishmen to b attend. I would've done the same as Luffy did if u screw w/my family n friends u know.
  262. Junior senpai: Rosario Manorang Manik and came back stronger than ever
  263. Goofy_ Luffy2319: Hello saitama 😂
  264. Mr Brightside: I dont know who or what the fuck are you but if you hurt my Friend, run to the ends of the earth
  265. Shikshanshu Jha: dont spoil anime only watchers
  266. Anonymous Dude: All these comments about how bases luffy is but I’m thinking about how many people there pissed their pants realizing this guy willing to slug a Celestial Dragon and can whoop their asses
  267. dragon water: and yet he still not learn his lesson an attack shirahoshi can't wait for him to get beat by luffy again
  268. mattpkc34xx: Its not about forgiving, guy. I was, and am pretty sure everyone else were, joking. I enjoyed this scene so much, one of the most satisfying scenes in one piece. His comment made him sound psycho, so we as a joke, as this is the Internet and is our want to do so, we told him, he needs a psychiatrist, no need to take it serious.
  269. Arjay Cagaitan: 1:51 Luffy Tontatta version
  270. Thank You God Always: luffy is the leader of the worst generation
  271. Fruit Flail: Pause at any moment where luffy punches him back to manga, luffy looks badass at any of those moments
  272. Exineti: Sent him back to the manga. Yoo
  273. awesome GAMMMMMERRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: I know this is simple but what if will of D means will of the devil since everyone who has that name so far is a pirate or connected and has a bad past or some special ability or move like teach even tho this doesn't explain my theory so sorry
  274. そこらの17歳ニート: まじで最高にかっこいいよな
  275. RoD H: I'm surprised he didn't die.
  276. X X: That's how men like Arlong are created.
  277. Kenneth Thomsen: Crazy Punch
  278. Sachi: ワンピース史上最スカッとシーン
  279. reshail raza: Nursalizah Mohtar you've never heard about im sama and 5 elders ?
  280. [ deathrodamus ]: Luffy punching a celestial dragon in the face is soooo satisfying...
  281. תומר רוזן: awesome GAMMMMMERRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Garp
  282. RebelTheArtGuy: Carl Freericks All you really need is someone who can teleport you away
  283. Yongkhang Yap: One Piece Pokerap: Luffy Gear 4 Gear 5 GEAR 4 GE AR 5 Nami Sanji Big Mom Charlotte Katakuri Cracker Smoothie Pudding Seducing Woods Forest Pound Brulee Caesar Capone Pedro Carrot Daifuku Vinsmokes Robin Sabo Ace Mera Mera No Mi Fire Fire Fruit Monkey D. Dragon Pirate King Silvers Rayleigh Boa Hancock Edward Weevil Marco the Phoenix Kizaru Akainu Aokiji Kuzan Fujitora Greenbull Green Bull Shillew Shiryuu ELBAF Giant Loki God of Elbaf Raftel Baltigo Mariejois Celestial Dragon Tenryuubito Dofflamingo Hukum Trafalgar Ronoroa Zoro Kaido Shanks Benn Beckman Ben Beckman Blackbeard Bigmom Big Mom Charlotte Katakuri Cracker Smoothie Pudding Seducing Woods Forest Pound Brulee Caesar Capone Pedro Carrot Daifuku Vinsmokes Judge Jujji Reiju Niji Ichiji Yonji Germa 66 Morgans Stussy Sawyer7mage Rogersbase Forneverworld Devil Fruit Awakening devil fruit awakening King's Haki Conqueror's King's Haki mochi mochi no mi
  284. Frost Wolf: One of the best punches in anime history.
  286. Joe Averell: "Oh imu-sama"
  287. Marcus Nelson: What the fuck is this description?
  288. zero king: 1:29 that's our boss
  289. Leumas: FUCKING WORTH
  290. Revo Animegod: Why diden't he die from that punch????
  291. Pendulum Dragon: “Will of the D”, you mean will of the dick don’t you?
  292. Kaneki Kun': Why am i always inspired by this guy😱
  293. Lucas Van De Casteele: mjosgard : nice job kid
  294. Finger My Ass: When I pick a fight with my big brother
  295. 糸永照英: 波平さんなにしてんすか
  296. Last Panda: The fact that Zoro would've actually cut in half a Celestial Dragon and not give a shit is fucking great lol
  297. Ame Leo: That glare of luffy awesome badass
  298. Nine tailed Ninja Naruto: Luffy:FALCON!!!PUNCH!!!! Celestial dragon:(Gets punched by luffy)
  299. Parallax77: Quick question, How many wars did Luffy just start?
  300. Miles binoya: Who is celestial dragon?🤔
  301. Durake no: Nursalizah Mohtar Celestial Dragons are descendants of the 20 families that created the world government, so yeah, they got immunity over pretty much anything under their rule.
  302. Meep!: Yeah, but he was down lower laying down. The shots would go above him.
  303. Cedric Lewis: Just look at the crew man they saying our captain fucks shit up and we stand behind him all the way
  304. Jewlz Cartagena: I love how the crew is just silently supporting him. Crew" yeah, our captain doesn't take that shit"
  305. 隼脇田: これは最高やな
  306. Gamer jk: Albagir Qeimeteriion hahahhahahahahaha nice one 😂😂
  307. 大塚高幸: 白ひげやシャンクス、革命家ドラゴンでも殴っていたかも知れませんね。
  308. FearFullYT: hahahahaha will of the D
  309. DeadlyReaper: Got knocked the fuck out, man
  310. josh o: Punch blew the animation budget
  311. Nico Robin: Robin and Brook stopped for a tea thats why they are not here in the scene
  312. カバオ星人: やったぜとしか言いようがない
  313. 青ᴍɪɴᴛ: Thanks for a small info bud
  314. 1234bunda: Because of Im sama
  315. Rohit Sanhal: *SWORN ENEMY OF GODS*
  316. ...: Beat Crocodile. Go to Marine VS Whitebeard Pirate War Without Getting Killed. Didn’t Got Killed By Aokiji. Beat So-Called God. Beat Zet. Has A Crew Titled God. Has A Crew Titled King. Has A Crew That Make A Lie Into True. Father Is Dragon. Grandfather is Marine’s Strongest Person. Has A Crew Who Stealed Big Mom’s BIGGEST Treasure. Dived Into One Of Yonko’s Territory And Didn’t Die. Punch Celestial Dragon? Isn’t That Normal For Luffy?
  317. Dr.10inches: I had no idea luffy was one punch man
  318. Blast King: luffy wouldn't even want to be touch by the celestial dragon pistol bullet
  319. 家入レオ: ゾロの、ルフィがやってなかったら俺がやってたみたいなのも最高にカッコいい。
  320. noelesparza: UltimateCosmic isn't the manga 70% complete?
  321. Sir Naysayer: Why do I have a feeling with all that rage and feeling. He mustve not known he clad his punch with haki. I mean, it requires willpower to use right? Luffy wanted to punchthat guy so bad
  322. navi singh: Ahhh man the old one piece was so awesome. 😫
  323. Revo Animegod: True
  324. Rosario Manorang Manik: " Well it can't be help that's how Luffy it is " A moment later got jumped by an Admiral, 2 pacifistas, and one shichibukai.
  325. PortalSnipe: Justin Counts it was cut slightly.. hard to notice but yeah.. its skipped where he dodged the bullets
  326. Fallen Monk: Straw hats more like savage hats
  327. Kenny Umali: Luffy sent that celestial dragon back to manga for a bit 😂😂😂😂
  328. Donald Trump: Celestial dragons pls listen dont fuck with the future pirate kings cause if you do hope its just scratches and if i am there with devil fruit i would show no mercy to you :)
  329. Two Tangos: Why wont u fucking include the dodge bullets scene
  330. lotfi rek: 1:31 loool zorro is prepared for luffy's back <3 (luffy's right hand)
  331. malvin z: just for you know, luffy save him not beat him.. didnt you see that that crazy pirate with sword behind him?? . ahhahaha
  332. Emman The Great: Celestial Dragons have gone to the moon Yup3x
  333. azilla dadilla: YOU GOT KNOCKED THE FUCK OUT !
  334. Yuk p: これで死なない天竜人もなかなかの生命力だよ
  335. Leumas: +NickyT you are worse lol you start shit that isnt even related to you. You think you are though through a keyboard?
  336. Secretcha Lolsian: I mean, wouldn’t you do the same?
  337. zimbus 2: the way you said it "Lil Doffy" lmao. im expecting a raper to come up with that name."Lil Doffy-strings" lmaoo
  338. ej supe: The moment when the Strawhats will know it will trouble bow your heads and look glomy for enemys
  339. RebelTheArtGuy: Carl Freericks: *OMAE WA MOU SHINDEIRU* Donald "Duck" Trump: *NANI?!?* Carl Freericks: *ONE PUNCH!!!*
  340. TwS Clan: Annax good one lol
  341. Sandre Ecito: true. And after that, Zoro stood up. Zoro knows that Luffy will just accept Usopp like nothing happen.
  342. Julian Venegas: 0:14 when he thought HE was pissed 😂😂😂😂😂
  343. Mat Daq: but that would make Luffy the same as that celestishit.
  344. Whammy Cheng: Honestly, One Piece characters are really durable. I can't believe that a sheltered Celestial Dragon manage to stay alive, or not get severe brain damage, after getting punched like that.
  345. Cherni Mohamed: that ugly ass failure is not a Saint the only real saints are - Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) - Moses (peace be upon him) - Muhammad (peace be Upon him)
  346. Roberto Abud: This is why Iike luffy... You mess with his friends you get f*cked no matter who you are
  347. Albagir Qeimeteriion: Gamer jk well luffy had D (pun intended) hahahahah
  348. Kun Han: Sick punch
  349. awesome GAMMMMMERRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: I remember 1 episodes they said people with d in there names and celestial dragons been eneimes for a while am i right or was that my own theort
  350. Benjamin Gibbons: Complete honesty I'm a little violent but some times horrible people like celestial dragons just need to die kinda like Hitler though that's dark hahah
  351. うんこ太郎: あれだけ吹っ飛んで4なねぇチャルロスも凄いなw
  352. partific X: This punch meaning is "SHUT THE F#@# OFF YOU WORTHLESS NOBLE"
  353. Hey You: Luffy punched him back to his mama
  354. Israel Garcia: Fallen Monk *slow applause* 😏
  355. ジュン: Rui Wada maybe but just 2 an 3 not not vital area not making hachi death.
  356. Mr. Penguin: That description though trying to get views
  357. Natashja Hansen: Amazing Punch
  358. habib al aziz: The darkest arc
  359. PinHead Larry: Luffy already challenge the whole fucking world by letting sogeking destroy the flag of the world government. Luffy ain't afraid of celestial shit
  360. Classy Jelly: "One time, he punched me in the face. It was awesome."
  361. Briel 000: It woud still be awesome if Luffy hadn't dodged those bullets. It will bounce back to the celestial dragon.
  362. PinHead Larry: You know everything will be serious if you can't see the strawhats faces
  364. BronzeBobCat: This guy is fucking pathetic. Just look at his description, it is filled with many other things that are not even related to the video. He just do it for views from search box
  365. young 2k: What episode is this anyone someone
  366. ???: History repeat itself to that charloss 😅
  367. Andrefico Bangun: DAMN that's hurt
  368. Paa No: Id be like, Let Freedom Ring! 😂
  369. eduardo rodriguez: gomugomu no D
  370. Roronoa Zoro: I missed the chance to cut him twice in a row now
  371. Toni Sarac: This truly shows crews loyalty to luffy... Luffy probbably sent Charloss in void century they knew admiral will come after their a$$ and even Nami whom is always coward stands there chilling for a second then gets worried for hachi whom is beyond worried for them smiling and saying that's luffy without single grain doubt weather she should have followed him or not
  372. David Gravelle: POWER OF THE FUCKING D
  373. UltimateCosmic: Chris Chow "We are halfway there" i can tell you that if Oda saw that he would laugh his ass off and say "No, not even close"
  374. Monkey D. Luffy: 396-397
  375. ROPO KUDO: Zoro would kill him, like give him a harsh death. Loo
  376. Monkey D. Luffy: Episode 396-397
  377. Itz Topii: Would've been badass if he said "don't ever fuck with me" XD
  378. Yau Feng: That moment luffy won kid and law's respect
  379. Dara Pich: Monkey D. Luffy, is one crazy bastard!
  380. Joshua Hardin: That one hurt MY balls
  381. shakur steadman: JJrock132 and endangered his crews safety.... but it was a blessing anyway
  382. Yayu betancourt: Talking about trash Those bolt heads, are pure shit, increidible the are with the goverment
  383. Kenn Prescillas: Luffy save the Celestial Dragon from being cut by Zoro. Luffy knows that Zoro will definitely cut the CD to death.
  384. Sleepy :3: ma nigga had teeth for lunch...
  385. Gebrina Divva Meuthia Zulma: I'm very glad he got punched again in his goddamn land
  386. Joe Thomas: Lol I love how Zoro is always ready to cut somebody down 😂😂😂
  387. solid jelly: This moment kind of saved their lives.
  388. Naaah Fam: just a potato with a mustache also there's an astronaut looking stone carves on some ancient civilizations that is worshipped as a god
  389. Grano Jay: The will of D? He just punched him.
  390. Thousands Sunny: Not surprised by even in anime world nevy or govt authorities called themselves peace while nothing but cleaning celestial dragon or noble family’s shit 💩💩💩
  391. Brent Lee: What I'd do is pop all of their bubbles while they are unconscious.
  392. Monkey D Luffy0505: Luffy is like "i dont give a damn about who you are or whats your position"
  393. CheshireCatNY: This is by far the ultimate “FUCK THE SYSTEM!!” moment in all anime history
  394. THE SUN WILL RISE AGAIN: Satisfying Video that Will Relax Your Brain
  395. Chris Chow: Beat 2 logia users, saved half a dozen countries, saved a princess, gate crashed navy operations (quite literally in most cases), befriended a freakin dragon, escaped one of the most fortified islands in paradise and punched what basically counts as a world president... We are half way there!
  396. Jason Browne: Luffy fucked him up good
  397. Michael Jarrett: i'm not saying its okay to go around Beating peoples asses, By no means is that what i'm saying here. but Damn it Sometimes someone just needs a good ol ass whoopin
  398. Thot slayer goku: Kid and law was like my nigga
  399. Mark Sandig: Top 10 most satisfying anime scene
  400. Rytis: anyone know outro ost?
  401. X X: *SPOILERS* Their hidden treasure they don't want the world to know exists is a straw hat.
  402. X X: He isn't dead. He gets maced in the face by a fellow Celestial Dragon.
  403. エスタロッサ: 見ててかっこいいと思ったしスッキリした
  404. Christian Johnson: Luffy plz do it again kill him do it plz
  405. seiji uchiha: zoro is going to kill that bastard if luffy didn't punch him.😂😂
  406. jj_thé gōát: I was so happy win luffy punched the living shit out that fat pig i cried 😁😁😇😇I feel in lighted
  407. Hazosh: get rekt lol
  408. Maddy :x: the actual fuck!?
  409. NatsU DragNeeL: English comment passing XD
  410. Evan: I am a slightly violent person and I wanted Luffy to finish the job. I hope at the end of the series the position of world noble is removed and they all end up unable to hold a job and become homeless. They then proceed to live out the rest of their miserable lives poor, despised by their peers and obsessing over the life they once had. That or in black beards quest to dominate the world he straight has them masacared.
  411. PhilMark Madrid: When all straw hats getting ready for battle after their captain punches that scumbag.. always ready to fight for their captain..
  412. Arm Strong PH: whєn чσu gєt fєєd thє єnєmч αnd ѕtíll tαlkíng ѕhít. thαt cєlєѕtíαl вαѕtαrd hαhα
  413. UltimateChoji An: Why did you cut out the part where he dodges the bullet
  414. Steven Barry: Damn this comment need more like
  415. Dark Knight 324: At 1:26 (IN MY SMOKEY VOICE) YOU GOT KNOCKED THE F*** OUT MAN
  416. Vivek Kumar: imagine if he had haki then. Celestial would be dead on the spot
  417. Jimmy Cen: Saucy 2 with haki
  418. からあげ: なんでこれでチャルロス死なねぇんだよ 大人しく死んでくれればスカッとしたのに
  419. suneel reddy: One of the Most satisfying moment of one piece
  420. Durell Patterson: Their power is in their influence. An admiral and a couple pacifistas were sent after Luffy and his crew after this happened.
  421. red saintgaming: He beat me to it tho
  422. The new MIDI era: 0:22 Shit in the pants
  424. Anime Master: I didnt know i was watching the manga
  425. SA FURY: One of the best/boring anime of all time
  426. ロニーガリ像: このシーンはスカッとジャパンに乗せるべし!
  427. Takemikazuchi: Hey, Villian Have You Ever Heard These Words?! GO BEYOND PLUS ULTRAAAAAAAA Luffy just punched him beyond the anime and manga
  428. OnDay 7: almost certain if we had the pirates like these  in todays age lil pump would would make a crew just to name them the savage hats...
  429. DevTakeOff: FINALLY someone killed that mf
  430. zray1324: Imagine if luffy saw him in the most recent chapter.. lmao
  431. Riccardo Russo: Multi-thousandaire eskethats
  432. Mr. Galaxy: Celestial dragon my ASS!
  433. Eustass Kidd: If he didn't punch the Celestial Dragon because of Haachi's dialogue, i'd have hated Haachi! Well done Monkey D Luffy!!
  434. Xenoverse 93: The day when the animations are actually crispy..😘
  435. Jin Cortland: He punched him to the manga and back
  436. Rui Wada: Did anyone realize that hachi is still behind luffy when he’s dodging all those shots? He could’ve been hit!
  437. toobirama obito: Nah enel match is a fucking not counted fucking mismatch Enel too powerful it's just that's Luffy devil fruit too op
  438. Banterous Banter: Mr Galaxy badumtsss
  439. Michael Serato: When I hate an anime character so much just like the celestial dragons, I don't like it and will never be satisfied seeing them being one hit. I would have wanted luffy to combo the motherfucker. Just like in real life, I don't want to kill an enemy. I'd rather torture them like how they torture souls in hell and always try to keep them alive. I like to see them suffer than seeing them dead.
  440. Z Muir: Alice Nakiri Go D Usopp, I’m jackin’ that lmfao.
  441. Cristiano3233 Bernardino: The celestial dragon and Bellamy have One thing in comum a FUKING PUNCH MARK IN THE FACE
  442. Who 103: RESPECT
  443. Anna Szuster: That was pure greatness. Well this tenryuubito (sorry if I wrote this wrong) is very lucky, if it was Zoro he would be dead already.
  444. oh yeah yeah: You realise crime rates are down along with unemployment with the economy skyrocketing but Trump's presidency is still some how a failure before it's even been halfway through it. Name one thing wrong with what Trump is doing don't say that he's stupid or some other opinionated bullshit use *facts* something you libtards don't know how to use
  445. Hawk Sage: but the schichibukai saved them, deliberately.
  446. Lee-ar Toledo: I like it that when kidd was starting to get bored and was about to leave, luffy got him excited again😄
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Luffy Punches Celestial Dragon (Will of the D) [HD]

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Film & Animation おしりたんてい「ププッとフムッとかいけつダンス」 / Butt Detective "A Wind-Breaking Victory Dance" Upload TimePublished on 8 Jun 2017

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